
Showing posts from January, 2020



king pica spread


Prompt shoot #4

Reflect patterns Resolution Something old Motivation

Self-portrait vs 'Selfie'

A selfie is a self-portrait that is taken with a smartphone A self-portrait is a picture describing something about yourself like where you work, what you do, stuff like that self-portraits are mean't to be read as art but selfies are just pictures I prefer self-portraits because they tell me something about this person self-portraits are more valuable because they express something about someone PetaPixel This website's intentions are to give helpful tips and tricks and new world information about photography. They write about tips and tricks and real world information about photography. The average viewer can learn helpful things about photography and how to get better photos. I would probably add this website to my bookmark if I was looking for something to improve my photography. I would recommend this website to new photographers and people that need help with somethings. I give it 4/5 because it does have helpful and useful information but it only talks abo...

Phobia Project

A. A n extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. B. 1.  Arachnophobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders 2.  Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat. 3.  Vaccinophobia- Fear of vaccination. 4.  Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams. 5.  Pantophobia- Fear of everything. C. . Cynophobia- Fear of dogs or rabies.      . Chaetophobia- Fear of hair.      .      . Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.      . Hydrophobia- Fear of water D. simplifying       rule of thirds      

Welcome back 2020

I like this photo because its a picture of a real black hole I like this photo because it's cool I like this photo because its sad to see something so old go down in flams because of a carless mistake. 1. no song, because I don't have a favorite song of 2019 but I do listen to lots of songs. I do like most of the songs I listen too but none of them are my favorite. I chose to list no song because it would take too long to decide. 2. avengers endgame, because I loved this movie and how it took everything that happened to a close. I also love the moments in the movie towards the end. I really like other movies I saw this year but this has to be my favorite. 3.nasa getting a picture of a black hole, that was a big step in science and exploration and i'm happy i got to be alive when it happened. Seeing a black hole I expected something different than a black hole for some reason. 4. hong kong protesters because they won the pole for best person of 2019 I guess....