Self-portrait vs 'Selfie'

A selfie is a self-portrait that is taken with a smartphone

A self-portrait is a picture describing something about yourself like where you work, what you do, stuff like that

self-portraits are mean't to be read as art but selfies are just pictures

I prefer self-portraits because they tell me something about this person

self-portraits are more valuable because they express something about someone


This website's intentions are to give helpful tips and tricks and new world information about photography. They write about tips and tricks and real world information about photography.
The average viewer can learn helpful things about photography and how to get better photos. I would probably add this website to my bookmark if I was looking for something to improve my photography. I would recommend this website to new photographers and people that need help with somethings.

I give it 4/5 because it does have helpful and useful information but it only talks about tips and tricks and news but i would like it to add more things like techniques.

I learned about posing tips

I chose to share this because I thought someone could find it useful for what ever they needed to be done. The website gives helpful tips that someone could use if there stuck or want to improve the photography.


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