Welcome back 2020

I like this photo because its a picture of a real black hole

I like this photo because it's cool

I like this photo because its sad to see something so old go down in flams because of a carless mistake.

1. no song, because I don't have a favorite song of 2019 but I do listen to lots of songs. I do like most of the songs I listen too but none of them are my favorite. I chose to list no song because it would take too long to decide.

2. avengers endgame, because I loved this movie and how it took everything that happened to a close. I also love the moments in the movie towards the end. I really like other movies I saw this year but this has to be my favorite.
Image result for avengers endgame
3.nasa getting a picture of a black hole, that was a big step in science and exploration and i'm happy i got to be alive when it happened. Seeing a black hole I expected something different than a black hole for some reason.
Image result for black hole
4. hong kong protesters because they won the pole for best person of 2019 I guess.
Image result for hong kong protest


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